Thoughts for Resurrection Sunday
by Mary E. Stephens
April 2021

A lot of thoughts come to mind as we
remember the greatest day in history - the Resurrection of Jesus
Christ. I'm not sure I can get them out in an orderly manner,
but I'll make an effort.
There are a lot of new faces in heaven
this year. So many people passed away since the beginning of
2020. I have lost count of the deaths that have touched us or
people we know or care about. It's a crazy high number from my
limited experience. Over a dozen, probably pushing more towards
twenty. Of course, my mother was one of them. Most of these
people we know about were born again, so they are in heaven now,
and I just wonder how that seemed. Did the people there notice
an influx of new arrivals? Or was it not more than usual? How do
they respond to all the new people arriving - especially if they
knew them or were even related on earth? It kind of boggles my
earth-bound mind. The one thing I do know is that these events
were precious to God.
Psalm 116:15
Precious in the sight of the LORD
the death of his saints. He
was very happy to have them safely Home with Him, and there's
something both moving and comforting about that.
Also, I have heard quite a bit about
the rapture lately
from a few people - several sermons and at least one
conversation with a friend.
Our arrival in heaven is hard to even
imagine. I can't grasp the enormity of it. To be
done dealing with life in "the
body of this death" forever
is something so exceedingly desirable it's beyond words. So many
"never-agains" one couldn't count them all.
Did you ever wonder what it will be like
for those who have already died to re-enter their bodies in that
resurrection? It makes me smile to think about it, but it is
another indescribable thing. For one thing, we have no point of
reference except Jesus Christ re-entering His physical body and
rising from the dead. We know He left it because He told the
thief on the cross ...Verily I say
unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.
Luke 23:43
There are other reasons to
know this as well, but I'll not dig into that here. What we do
know is that Jesus' resurrected body was a changed body, and we
who are His are promised to have one like it someday.
1 John 3:2
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear
what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we
shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
Do you know that the death of the
Messiah was not what the disciples "signed up for"? They thought
that the kingdom was going to be restored to Israel at that
time. I mean, here was the Messiah in the flesh. This meant the
good times were here to stay, right? Only they weren't. It's
hard to imagine how discouraging and disheartening it was to see
Him crucified and end up on a Roman cross instead of on the
throne. They thought their nation was about to become the
greatest on earth again, and instead Jesus was killed by the
very people they thought he was going to destroy and overthrow.
It must have been frightening as well as completely confusing.
They didn't know what might happen to them as well.
Ah, but then! He rose from the dead. It
was almost too wonderful to believe. Well, it was too wonderful
for some of them. They didn't believe it the first time they
heard it.
curiously, God chose to send the message of the resurrection to
the disciples by a group of women.
Luke 24:9-11 And
returned from the sepulchre, and told all these things unto the
eleven, and to all the rest. It was Mary Magdalene, and Joanna,
and Mary the mother
of James, and other women that
were with them, which told
these things unto the apostles. And their words seemed to them
as idle tales, and they believed them not. I know there
are feminist influenced women who would get all sarcastic and
snarky about this, but let's focus on the positive here right
now, shall we? God sent the message by women. He is not afraid
to send women to the men with a most important message from Him
upon occasion. That must gall some of the so-called "biblical
patriarchy" high-muckety-mucks who treat women as second
rate Christians. I think it gives us a little glimpse into God's
wonderful sense of humor.
These men were referred to as apostles
here which was the highest position in the New Testament church
a short time later. Also these men had the pre-crucifixion
revelation that Jesus would rise again after three days, but
they were nowhere near the grave when that time rolled around.
It was the women who showed up to do the respectful duty of
putting spices on the body. So, the women got the message and
were sent to the men who should have been there to see what had
happened. I find that so interesting. No, I'm not forgetting the
biblical roles of women in the church age as prescribed by the
later epistles, but I am saying that I think some things have
been made into mountains that the Lord created as low lying
hills. Just sayin'... :-)
Still, they didn't know what was going to
happen, even after they saw Him in the upper room. And then Jesus changed everything by
giving them a new plan, one that they hadn't anticipated at all
when they started following Him and were told they would be
fishers of men. The Lord commanded them to go into
all the world and preach the
gospel. This was a tremendously different outcome than they
expected. It wasn't just about Israel any more. It went far
beyond that. It was bigger than they could have ever imagined or
thought about as ordinary Jewish men. As far as we know, not one
of that group of 10 or 11 was a free Roman citizen by birth as Paul
was. It would take an act of God for them to be able to do that.
And that is exactly what happened when they were filled with the
Holy Ghost. We are so used to the way things are now
that it's hard to get our heads around the idea of 11 men setting
out, with an additional group of fellow disciples, to spread
this glorious gospel all over the world.
We who are born
again sit or stand in our respective places, joint heirs with
Christ (Rom. 8:17), our sins forgiven
(Col. 2:13), heaven assured
(John 14:2-3), more than conquerors
through Him that loved us (Rom.
8:37), members in particular of the body of
Christ (1
Cor. 12:27) and the family of God (Eph.
3:14-15) - all because Jesus Christ paid the
price for our salvation and rose again for our justification.
Romans 4:24-25
But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on
him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; Who was
delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our
justification. The power of His death, burial, and resurrection pours forth
through us to this very hour. Truly it is an unspeakable gift.
Words fail to describe it and thoughts fail to fully comprehend
As we remember the resurrection of the
Lord Jesus and as we still may feel the pain of separation from
our recently departed loved ones, we feel the essential need that He fulfilled for
them and for us. The need for eternal life, not just this
ordinary earthly one - miraculous as that may be. We needed
something to take away the sting of death and give us, not only
peace with God, but also everlasting life.
Revelation 1:18
I am he that
liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore,
Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
And because He lives, we have hope of
seeing our dead in Christ again. Because He lives, we have hope
for our own lives now and for eternity. Because He lives, we know
that death and the grave will, in the end, be destroyed. Because
He lives, we live too.
But, because the Son of God was dead He knows how
hard it is to die. There is no other god who can offer us that -
both an understanding of death and its pain and also the hope of
eternal life and resurrection from the dead.
Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be
unto God for his unspeakable gift.
