Love Homemaking...
8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
By Laine (copied and edited) This
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I love homemaking because my time is my own. I dictate how my day will go and
that is an awesome thing in this world. Many high paid executives do not have
the freedom that I have almost every day. |

I love homemaking because yeast, water, and flour make the best smell in the world!

I love homemaking because I get to decorate a corner of God's Footstool in exactly
the way I like it with total creative freedom. No other person on earth will decorate
in quite the same way.
I love homemaking because I can look at each room in my house as a blank canvas
to paint a beautiful picture on for my family. And slowly, here and there, I pick
up the beautiful treasures at thrift shops or swap meets to make those canvases
come alive with love. |

I love homemaking because my kids get to lick spoons and bowls and smile with
whipped cream and sugar on their lips. |

I love homemaking because my uniform is a simple apron. When I put it on I feel
like my grandmother and want to do so many "homey" things for my family.
I love homemaking because I get to scrub my floors by hand just the way my grandmother
did. Then I get to tell everyone to stay off the floor just like she did. |

I love homemaking because I get to work in my garden and cut beautiful plants
from it to bring into my house. |

I love homemaking because I get to listen to beautiful
music all day long which
causes me to think of my Savior and LORD. My work doesn't even seem like work
with Him on my mind. |

I love homemaking because I get to cook some of the most wonderful food on a slim
budget causing me to give thanks and praise to Him who shows me the way.
I love homemaking because I get to stretch a budget beyond measure which gives
me great joy to see so much done with so little. |

I love homemaking because I can sit and read to my children all day if I want
with every pillow we own under us. |

I love homemaking because I get to smell up my house with some of the best smells
on earth: homemade bread, apple pie, fried chicken, baked beans, and coleslaw.
And that's just one meal! |

I love homemaking because I can stop my kids at any time of the day and say, "Let's
I love homemaking because I can [lie] on my bed and have great talks with my kids
about the LORD and life. |

I love homemaking because I can feel the softness of yarn flowing through my fingers
as I knit an afghan for my kitchen chair. |

I love homemaking because I get to do things with beautiful fabrics. |

I love homemaking because I can sit with other women and their babies and compare
struggles and trials; then come away feeling so much better to handle my own babies
and struggles and trials. |

I love homemaking because I create the atmosphere all day in my home. If I am
at peace, they are at peace. And the King helps keep me at peace because I have
spent time at His Throne... |

I love homemaking
because I get to keep learning new things to make my home a special
place for my kids and my husband... (Many things from a library book!)
I love homemaking because I can go to the library and check out other women's
wisdom which inspires me in my own kitchen and home. |

I love homemaking because I have permission to fail while I learn. I have granted
permission to myself which makes me feel a whole lot better about learning
new things and not being afraid to fail. |

I love homemaking because I fill little mason jars with homemade jams and watch
my kids open them in anticipation for breakfast.
I love homemaking
because I can plan special little surprises for my husband that
bring him such delight...

I love homemaking because I can make lemon butter, scones, and
Devonshire cream
for my daughter and all her little friends for "tea".
I love homemaking because all the little girls can dress up in hats that hang
in my living room waiting for their next visit. |

I love homemaking because I can gather my kids in my room if I am sick and have
them take care of me or just [lie] next to me and play.
I love homemaking
because when my kids are sick it is no inconvenience. I get to put
them right to bed in their pajamas and bring them a "tea table" with
a flower, tea, and some special treat to make them smile.

I love homemaking because I get to cut my kids' hair... Then I get the pleasure of looking at their hair for
days knowing that I cut it. |

I love homemaking because I know where my kids are, and that gives me great peace
because they are beside me. |

I love homemaking because I get to hang out my clothes on the line just the way
my mother did and smell the sweet air in them when they come back in the house. |

I love homemaking because I get to put a fluffy feather down comforter on everyone's
bed and run them out to the clothesline on a windy day. |
I love homemaking because if I am sick of being inside I can go outside. And if I am sick of being outside I can go inside. |

I love homemaking because I can take full advantage of all the seasons. Summer,
Fall, Winter, and Spring never get by me. I enjoy each immensely.

I love homemaking because I can sit in any room in my house and it is used to
its fullest. No room is for show. Every room is pleasantly occupied. |

I love homemaking because I can put a fresh tablecloth on my table and transform
it into a fancy restaurant with a rose in the center. |

I love homemaking because there is always a new recipe to try. |

I love homemaking because I can cover up "holey rugs" with beautiful handmade
throw rugs that someone's grandmother probably made.
I love homemaking because I can cover up stained couches with beautiful couch
covers in a rose pattern my grandmother would have worn to church.

I love homemaking because I can bring home some of the best books in the world
and know they will get read. |
 I love homemaking because I can grab my camera and capture three muddy kids in
a moment.
I love homemaking because my kids can get really dirty and jump in the tub before
anyone's the wiser. |

I love homemaking because I get to smell a freshly bathed child. |
 I love homemaking because I know my kids very well and can work with them like
no other.
I love homemaking because no one can run this home like I can. No one knows that
man of mine like I do. And no one can tell you about those kids that I live with
like I can. |

I love homemaking because no one can make me laugh like my kids.
I love homemaking because I can kiss my kids thirty times a day if I want
[to]. |

I love homemaking because the weather never affects my plans to stay home. |

I love homemaking because I have time to light candles, put on soft music, and
start a fire in the fireplace. |

I love homemaking because it makes me more in awe of my mother, grandmother, and
favorite aunts causing me to notice their work in great detail. |

I love homemaking because I get to be HOME.
I love homemaking because
I am the "LORD's Home Servant." |
I love homemaking because God
called me to this job and I love it!!!!
Love, Laine,
called to be a Homemaker of God
Proverbs 31:10 Who can
find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

and graphics by mary vannattan original afghan made by Ruth W.
Updated 2020; CA |