...I was working outside my parents' home from the
age of 16 - the business type high school I attended was a work/study
situation during junior and senior years and we went to school year round.
I was a secretary in the labor relations department of a GM plant, so
you can imagine the kind of atmosphere I was exposed to (I often had to
walk through that factory plus many of the offices). And of course, the
paycheck even back then was something all too easy to get used to.
I moved from my folks' home, had my own car and lived
in two different apartments alone, then had a house of my own at the age
of 23 - now in this regard I was different than other women my age but
still, of course I know now, WAY outside of scripture. I wasn't running
around chasing the men but know now I was WAY outside of scripture. (Should
say I was raised liberal roman catholic, and most family members are still
catholic). I've always been on the quiet and modest side; I never was
much for partying or life on the wild side but yes, unsaved, until the
age of 28. I met and married a man at that age for all the wrong reasons,
and the marriage was a disaster and probably would not have occurred had
I not been living outside my parents' home and been out in the world the
way I was. (I should say here that I was a disillusioned but mostly obedient
liberal catholic, at mass every Sunday and holy day but getting nothing
anymore from the rituals).
Shortly before the marriage I found a small independent
Baptist church close by where we would live and got saved but unfortunately
did not stay there and was resistant to being taught, I was determined
to marry this man and have a family and would listen to no good advice,
so I guess you might doubt my salvation. We did get married in a southern
baptist church, but he was never much interested in going to church though
said he'd been saved when a kid. To make a very long story short, he "didn't
want to be married anymore" after 6 years, and the marriage was annulled
(we had no kids). Because he insisted he wanted to maintain his lifestyle
he had always felt that I should work (he was one of these "half and half"
fellows, you pay half and I pay half for everything), and I never stopped
working during the marriage, but understand I knew this was how it would
be before going into this marriage, so the mistake and blame are certainly
mine all the way, and what a confused mess!
What a disaster life can be when you will not obey
the word of God, and I can't plead ignorance - my sin was in being so
independent and defiant (having your own money will allow that), and you
will listen to nobody who is brave enough to try to teach you, plus the
world certainly likes and encourages women to get out there and be independent.
When the marriage ended, I bought a small home close by family and have
lived alone here for 10 years now (I'm 45). No, ... I'll have to say I
did not once think of returning to my parents' home after getting kicked
out of my ex-husband's home at the age of 34 - my dad's an alcoholic,
and I've not been able to get either parent saved, so for those reasons,
the last thing I dreamed about doing was returning to that situation;
it was sorry enough when I was younger and has not improved over the years.
They do love me and would help me if I needed it but know I can't handle
living around a committed chronic drunk and a mother who condones it...
I still fight that independent/defiant streak I have
in me daily but have learned to pray more often about it. I now am able
to work from my home as a medical transcriber. I keep in mind that as
my parents are aging I will be there more and more to help and may end
up spending more time there than in my own home anyway (or they with me
if and when the time comes) but will have no problem with that and can
be in a position to care for them. I'll keep trying to witness to them
and be a good daughter; I'd like to believe they'll turn around someday.
Thanks for your serious and thought-provoking articles
that line up with scripture and bring me to task. Hope some younger girls
read what you and Mary have written in regard to staying home and take
these things to heart, so much unnecessary grief could be averted. I thank
God daily for all He's shown me and the way He's cared for me over all
these years, He is so merciful, and things could have been so much worse
for me.
In His Name, Cindy M.
"For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in
Psalm 119:89 (KJB)
Editor's Note:
Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived;
God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption;
but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap,
if we faint not.
Thank God for what He has done for this sister, but as
one person has said, "I'd rather do things God's way in the first
place than to be part of the whale's vomit." God can deliver you
if you have made a mess of your life! Don't despair! But, for those of
you who have not gone out to work yet, please take note. Yes, you can
repent later, but sometimes, you must reap what you sow for the rest of
your life on this earth. (God will also bless this lady for not remarrying
after her divorce. Mark 10:11-12)

Counted A Privilege
I count it a privilege to be able to be home to care for
my husband and two children. I was wonderfully saved when my daughter
was 2, and having never been married, struggled and worked 3 jobs to make
ends meet. The Lord provided and after waiting 6 years for the Lord to
send me a godly husband, I am now able to stay home and complete my husband
and take care of my children (we now have a new baby as well.) No job
in the world will ever compare with the satisfaction that comes from doing
what God made me to do.
My oldest daughter knows the difference and I am so tickled
that I will never have to put my baby in child care to go to work. I also
think any woman working should prayerfully consider doing without a few
things in order to stay home. I do not believe that a woman can be totally
submissive to her husband while trying to make it in the workplace. Yes,
I know the extra dollars help, but if you were honest, priorities could
be set for you to get behind your husband and let the Lord provide. Shame
on any woman who knows she could budget to be home and doesn't.
I wouldn't choose to swap places with any "career woman."
I praise the Lord for affording me the privilege of being here at home
for my husband first and then my children.
Amen and Amen
Editor's Note:
Proverbs 31:25
Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in
time to come.
Proverbs 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband
also, and he praiseth her.
Ladies, you will not be sorry for obeying God in this
Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap. If you chose to obey, you
will rejoice in time to come and your husband and children will have rich
cause to bless you. If you insist on continuing in disobedience,
don't deceive yourself into thinking that you can it will work out
OK for you. You cannot mock God and get away with it. You
may be sure that when you sow to the wind, you will reap the whirlwind,
Hosea 8:7. mev
Just A Little
I was greatly encouraged reading other women's testimonies
how God delivered them from the workplace. Just recently (4 weeks ago)
I resigned from my part-time weekend job as a nursing supervisor. I made
great money, so the sacrifice was difficult for my husband. I know he
struggled with the decision for this very reason. I prayed for so long
(about a year) that he would agree to let me resign and stay at home with
my 2 boys. It's only been 4 weekends that I've been home and what a change
it's been. Some think, you only worked 2 days a week, what's the big deal?
I got a lot of negative feedback from my coworkers, even from my Christian
friends. It's kind of "funny" how people stare at you when you explain
why you want to stay home and take care of your family. Wow! I LOVE it!!!
It's very clear to my husband now that this is where God wants me. He
works hard enough all week long and deserves a rest on the weekend. I
treasure our time together as a family. We are currently selling our home
and getting out of the New York city area! Praise the Lord! He is sooooo
good! He has a certain way things ought to be, it's all clearly explained
in scripture. Only we like to listen to our family, friends and even talk
show hosts :o)
Praise God for His patience and faithfulness!
Editor's Note: Sin is sin. It doesn't matter if it is not as much
as "other people" do. Working out "just part time" is still not
filling your responsibility of keeping at home. Spending hours on
end running all over town with friends, going to women's club meetings
or even numerous Bible studies, is still not keeping at home; even if
you don't work. Doing community service and "good works" type things
that take you out of your home regularly, is still not keeping at home.
James 4:17
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to
him it is sin.
Please send your testimony of how God delivered you from
the work place.

background and graphics by Mary
E.Stephens updated 2020 |