Welcome to the Home Maker's Corner!
The goal here is to
provide Bible-based helps, studies, and encouragement for ladies. I hope to avoid
fluffy and thoughtless
Christianity while helping women think critically in a biblical context. Our faith
and practice should be reasonable before God and based upon His word. Come now,
and let us reason together, saith the LORD...
Isaiah 1:18
scripture quoted in The Home Maker's Corner is from the
Authorized King James Version. All
scripture quotes are in red to help you distinguish between what
the word of God says and what humans think. We believe in
one final authority - the word of God - not our own word, and
not anybody else's word. This is why you will find from
time to time that an article has been changed or even removed.
Articles and items have been
divided into categories to help you find what you may be looking
for. There is some overlap since some articles apply to
more than one area.
This page is edited by me, Mary Stephens, with assistance from
my husband, Peter Stephens.
Most new
articles that I write are read and approved by Peter before they are posted. We
work together as a team. Please also
visit my blog
The Cotton Apron,
for recipes, home helps, sewing, quilting, crafts, more Bible studies,
photography, vintage graphics, and for a more personal
glimpse of our lives. Also, you may find my husband's Bible web page useful:
The King James Bible.
A Letter From the Editor
Gospel ...that ye may know that ye
have eternal life...

Romans 14:19
Let us therefore follow
after the things which make for peace,
and things wherewith one may edify another.